Dear friends, yesterday i received a shocking news.
When i was working at home, received a call seem like from Eon Bank telling me that I owe them 8+++ credit card bill overdue and must remit payment or press 0 speak to their officer.. i was just so shocked thus pressed the number and spoke to the officer. A Chinese lady spoke to me and said from the system, i have a EON Bank Master card since June 2010 and now I owed so much... as normal reaction, I told her I didnt apply such card... please investigate... she said she will report this to the relevant government department and they will call me to investigate further
Not long later, a Malay guy called Mustapha tel : 03 87831000 so called from Kard Palsu Investigation Dept to help me on my card. He told me he needed to help me thus he would need to ask few questions and would take my time. As I was just so worried, I tried to cooperate with him... he told me that now he needed to know how many credit card i am using now, give him the first 4 digit and last 4 digit, then what other account i have and so on.. I felt very weird but tried to accommodate because i worry if he is truly from the right department and I was accused for not honest.... at the end, he said he needed to pass my case to his superior for further question. He passed the phone to a chinese lady.. she speaks Mandarin to me...
Her name is called Ms Lim, she told me that she needed to apply "penjanjian pengawalan" to protect all my accounts not let another hack into again... then she said she needed to know how much is my saving account bal now ??? and she wanted me to print a copy of the latest bal from ATM... asking me do not put down the phone and go to bank immediately as they want to submit the case and the time is going to be 5pm... i felt so weird but dont know what to do...
on the way to bank, i prayed to God, Dear Lord, please protect me and let no harm no evil come near me now.. and when i reached bank, i felt i should transfer all my monies to my company current account first and only talk to the lady that i only left so +++ in the bank... she said why just now I say i have so much now all gone.. i told her i transfer out to company... she sounded mad and told me now already 5pm, she needed to go back, will talk to me tomorrow...
later, i called EON Bank, the officer told me that there was not such card in their syetem....
Deep in my heart, I praise God, He is my instant guide and help... at the crucial moment i cant call any of my friends for advice... thus I call to God for help..
Friends, be very careful.. the way they talk is so professional....
2010年11月23日 星期二
2010年11月12日 星期五
感恩的故事 (Story of Appreciation)
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.
他通過了第一級的面試, 董事長做最後的面試,做最後的決定。
He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.
董事長從該青年的履歷上 發現,該青年成績一 貫優秀,從中學到研究生從來沒有間斷過。
The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result is excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never has a year he did not score.
董事長問,你在學校裏拿 到獎學金嗎?該青年回答,沒有。
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarship in school?" and the youth answered "none".
董事長問,是你的父親 為您付學費嗎?該青年回答,我父親在我一歲時就去世了,是我的母親給我付的學費。
The director asked, "Is it your father pay for your school fees?" the youth answered, my father passed away when I was one year old, it is my mother who paid for my school fees.
董事長問,那你的母親是 在那家公司高就?該 青年回答,我的母親是給人洗衣服的。
The director asked, "Where did your mother worked?" the youth answered, my mother worked as cloth cleaner.
The director requested the youth to show his hand, the youth showed a pair of hands that is smooth and perfect to the director.
董事長問,你幫你母 親洗過衣服嗎?該青年回答,從來沒有,我媽總是要我多讀書,再說,母親洗衣服比我快得多。
The director asked, "Did you ever help your mother washed the cloth before?" The youth answered, never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother can wash cloths faster than me.
董事 長說,我有個要求,你今天回家,給你母 親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我
The director said, I had a request, when you go back today, go and help to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning.
該青年覺得自己成功的可 能很大,回到家後,高高興興地要給母親洗手,母親受寵若驚地把手伸給孩子。
The youth felt that its chance of landing the job is high, when he went back, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hand, his mother feel strange, happy but mixed with fear, she showed her hand to the kid.
該 青年給母親洗著手,漸漸 地,眼淚掉下來了,因為他第一次發現,他母親的雙手都是老繭,有個傷口在碰到水時還疼得發抖。
The youth cleaned his mother's hand slowly, his tear drop down as he did that. It is first time he found his mother's hand is so wrinkled, and there are so many bruises in her hand. Some bruises incites pains so strong that shiver her mother's body when cleaned with water.
青年第一次體會到,母親 就是 每天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這雙手就是他今天畢業的代價。
This is the first time the youth realized and experienced that it is this pair of hand that washed the cloth everyday to earn him the school fees, the bruises in the mother's hand is the price that the mother paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future.
該青年給母親洗完手後, 一聲不響地把母親剩下要洗的衣服都洗了。
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hand, the youth quietly cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.
當天晚上,母親和孩子聊 了很久很久。
That night, mother and sons talked for a very long time.
第二天早上,該青年去見 董事長。
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office
董事長望著該青年紅腫的 眼睛,問到,可以告訴我你昨天回家做了些什麼嗎?
The director noticed the tear in the youth's eye, asked: "Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
該青年回答說,我給母親 洗完手之後, 我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。
The youth answered, "I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
董事長說,請你告訴我你 的感受。
The director asked, "Please tell me your feeling."
該青年說,第一,我懂得 了感恩,沒有我 母親,我不可能有今天。第二,我懂得了要去
和母親一起勞動,才會知 道母親的辛苦。第三,我懂得了家庭親情的可貴
The youth said, Number 1, I knew what is appreciation, without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, I knew how to work together with my mother, then only I can realize how difficult and tough to get something done. Number 3, I knew the importance and value of family relationship.
董事長說,我就是要錄取 一個會 感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當經理。你被錄取了。
The director said, "This is what I am asking, I want to recruit a person that can appreciate the help of other, a person that knew the suffering of others to get thing done, and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life to be my manager. You are hired.
這位青年後來果真工作努 力,深得職工擁護,員工也都努力工作,整個公司業績大幅成長。
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates, every employees worked diligently and in a team, the company's result improved tremendously.
假如一位孩子從小嬌生慣 養,習 慣了被人圍著寵著,什麼都是“我”第一,父母的辛苦都不知 道,上班後,以為同事都應該聽他的,當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟鬥,那父母是愛孩子呢還是害孩子呢?
A child who has been protected and habitually given whatever he did, he developed "entitlement mentality" and always put himself first. He is ignorance of his parent's effort. When he started work, he assumed every people must listen to him, and when he became a manager, he would never know how suffering his employee and always blame others. For this kind of people, he can have good result, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement, he will grumble and full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parent, did we love the kid or destroy the kid?
你可以讓你的孩子住 大房子,吃大餐,學鋼琴,看大屏電視,但你在割草時,也要讓你的孩子在大太陽下拔拔野草,你在吃飯後,也要讓你的孩子洗洗碗,不是你沒有錢雇人,而是你真 心愛孩子。你要讓孩子知道,即使父母掙不少錢,但早早的白髮,和那位洗衣服的母親沒有本質的差別。但更重要的是,要讓你的孩子學會感恩。
You can let your kid lived in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experienced it. After a meal, let them washed their plate and bowl together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parent are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learn the ability to work with others to get thing done.
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.
他通過了第一級的面試, 董事長做最後的面試,做最後的決定。
He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.
董事長從該青年的履歷上 發現,該青年成績一 貫優秀,從中學到研究生從來沒有間斷過。
The director discovered from the CV, that the youth's academic result is excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, never has a year he did not score.
董事長問,你在學校裏拿 到獎學金嗎?該青年回答,沒有。
The director asked, "Did you obtain any scholarship in school?" and the youth answered "none".
董事長問,是你的父親 為您付學費嗎?該青年回答,我父親在我一歲時就去世了,是我的母親給我付的學費。
The director asked, "Is it your father pay for your school fees?" the youth answered, my father passed away when I was one year old, it is my mother who paid for my school fees.
董事長問,那你的母親是 在那家公司高就?該 青年回答,我的母親是給人洗衣服的。
The director asked, "Where did your mother worked?" the youth answered, my mother worked as cloth cleaner.
The director requested the youth to show his hand, the youth showed a pair of hands that is smooth and perfect to the director.
董事長問,你幫你母 親洗過衣服嗎?該青年回答,從來沒有,我媽總是要我多讀書,再說,母親洗衣服比我快得多。
The director asked, "Did you ever help your mother washed the cloth before?" The youth answered, never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother can wash cloths faster than me.
董事 長說,我有個要求,你今天回家,給你母 親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我
The director said, I had a request, when you go back today, go and help to clean your mother's hand, and then see me tomorrow morning.
該青年覺得自己成功的可 能很大,回到家後,高高興興地要給母親洗手,母親受寵若驚地把手伸給孩子。
The youth felt that its chance of landing the job is high, when he went back, he happily wanted to clean his mother's hand, his mother feel strange, happy but mixed with fear, she showed her hand to the kid.
該 青年給母親洗著手,漸漸 地,眼淚掉下來了,因為他第一次發現,他母親的雙手都是老繭,有個傷口在碰到水時還疼得發抖。
The youth cleaned his mother's hand slowly, his tear drop down as he did that. It is first time he found his mother's hand is so wrinkled, and there are so many bruises in her hand. Some bruises incites pains so strong that shiver her mother's body when cleaned with water.
青年第一次體會到,母親 就是 每天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這雙手就是他今天畢業的代價。
This is the first time the youth realized and experienced that it is this pair of hand that washed the cloth everyday to earn him the school fees, the bruises in the mother's hand is the price that the mother paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future.
該青年給母親洗完手後, 一聲不響地把母親剩下要洗的衣服都洗了。
After finishing the cleaning of his mother hand, the youth quietly cleaned all remaining clothes for his mother.
當天晚上,母親和孩子聊 了很久很久。
That night, mother and sons talked for a very long time.
第二天早上,該青年去見 董事長。
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office
董事長望著該青年紅腫的 眼睛,問到,可以告訴我你昨天回家做了些什麼嗎?
The director noticed the tear in the youth's eye, asked: "Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"
該青年回答說,我給母親 洗完手之後, 我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。
The youth answered, "I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'
董事長說,請你告訴我你 的感受。
The director asked, "Please tell me your feeling."
該青年說,第一,我懂得 了感恩,沒有我 母親,我不可能有今天。第二,我懂得了要去
和母親一起勞動,才會知 道母親的辛苦。第三,我懂得了家庭親情的可貴
The youth said, Number 1, I knew what is appreciation, without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, I knew how to work together with my mother, then only I can realize how difficult and tough to get something done. Number 3, I knew the importance and value of family relationship.
董事長說,我就是要錄取 一個會 感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當經理。你被錄取了。
The director said, "This is what I am asking, I want to recruit a person that can appreciate the help of other, a person that knew the suffering of others to get thing done, and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life to be my manager. You are hired.
這位青年後來果真工作努 力,深得職工擁護,員工也都努力工作,整個公司業績大幅成長。
Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates, every employees worked diligently and in a team, the company's result improved tremendously.
假如一位孩子從小嬌生慣 養,習 慣了被人圍著寵著,什麼都是“我”第一,父母的辛苦都不知 道,上班後,以為同事都應該聽他的,當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟鬥,那父母是愛孩子呢還是害孩子呢?
A child who has been protected and habitually given whatever he did, he developed "entitlement mentality" and always put himself first. He is ignorance of his parent's effort. When he started work, he assumed every people must listen to him, and when he became a manager, he would never know how suffering his employee and always blame others. For this kind of people, he can have good result, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement, he will grumble and full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parent, did we love the kid or destroy the kid?
你可以讓你的孩子住 大房子,吃大餐,學鋼琴,看大屏電視,但你在割草時,也要讓你的孩子在大太陽下拔拔野草,你在吃飯後,也要讓你的孩子洗洗碗,不是你沒有錢雇人,而是你真 心愛孩子。你要讓孩子知道,即使父母掙不少錢,但早早的白髮,和那位洗衣服的母親沒有本質的差別。但更重要的是,要讓你的孩子學會感恩。
You can let your kid lived in a big house, eat a good meal, learn piano, watch a big screen TV. But when you are cutting grass, please let them experienced it. After a meal, let them washed their plate and bowl together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parent are, one day their hair will grow gray, same as the mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learn the ability to work with others to get thing done.
2010年10月8日 星期五

你說: 現在的單身男女,滿街都是,緣份沒到,別急于一時.
我說: 哇,你還真開通.
心里其實暗喜,為你的開通思想,打了個滿分. 我想沒有人愿意單身,
你說: 這里的燒肉是最好吃的.
我說: 是阿.
心里高興,可以忙碌之后 ,常常可以和你好好享受頓好吃的午餐.
2010年5月21日 星期五
2010年4月27日 星期二
God will make a way
Do you feel very stressful, depressive, sorrowful, sick and feel like dying? HE LOVES YOU, AND WANTS TO GIVE YOU HIS WONDERFUL LOVE! WHY DON'T YOU GIVE HIM A CHANCE???
賜愛與能力 在每一天
祂 今日要成就大事。
2010年3月26日 星期五
言歸地球一小時, 嗯..我還是會響應的!!
地球一小時 - 在3月27日星期六晚上8:30~9:30熄燈一小時,以減少二氧化碳排放量,從而使更多人重視全球的氣候變化和節能減排的重要性.今年“地球一小時”全球七大洲將有 6000多個城市、超過10億人參與,成為世界上規模最大的環保行動。你也參加吧..
言歸地球一小時, 嗯..我還是會響應的!!

地球一小時 - 在3月27日星期六晚上8:30~9:30熄燈一小時,以減少二氧化碳排放量,從而使更多人重視全球的氣候變化和節能減排的重要性.今年“地球一小時”全球七大洲將有 6000多個城市、超過10億人參與,成為世界上規模最大的環保行動。你也參加吧..
2010年3月19日 星期五
2010年3月15日 星期一
每個人愛它,家就有光彩, 每個人付出,家就不孤獨,每個人珍惜,家就有甜蜜,每個人寬恕,家就有幸福.讓愛天天住你家,讓愛天天住我家,不論日夜秋冬春夏,全心全意愛我們的家.




















2010年3月9日 星期二
爸: 我不會再麻煩妳几年了..
媽: 別再說了,這是人生必經之路..
有個朋友,要打第五針 chemo 時,
結果,器官發炎, Chemo得被迫延后..
「要常常喜樂,不住的禱告,凡事謝恩;因為這是 神在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的也旨意。」〈帖前 5: 16~18〉
爸: 我不會再麻煩妳几年了..
媽: 別再說了,這是人生必經之路..
有個朋友,要打第五針 chemo 時,
結果,器官發炎, Chemo得被迫延后..
「要常常喜樂,不住的禱告,凡事謝恩;因為這是 神在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的也旨意。」〈帖前 5: 16~18〉
2010年3月3日 星期三
2010年2月11日 星期四
2010年1月29日 星期五
Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be stronger.
如果我能完整唱一首歌, 那將是對你的感恩和贊美; 苦難中,你給我安慰, 彷徨時,你給我智慧。 雖然我不能開口唱一首歌, 我卻要對你獻上真誠敬拜; 每時刻你的手牽引我, 你慈愛使我開怀。 天上的云雀啊! 會唱的人們哪! 你們可愿代我, 歌頌上帝無比之美? 我愿用耳傾听, 我愿用心共鳴, 這發自內心深處最美的聲音- 我真愛你!

畫家黃美廉博士,由於接生時醫師的疏忽,造成運動神經的受傷,以致於她一出生就罹患了腦性 痲痺,一直到五歲還全身軟綿綿的,媽媽在抱著她四處尋醫未果,數度恨不得把她掐死,然後自殺---,儘管美廉心智完全正常,但因顏面肌肉扭曲、四肢運動不 協調、連開口說話都有困難,導致人們對她的第一個印象,不是神經病,就是白痴。
猶清晰記得,六、七歲時,美廉在自家門口爬來爬去,鄰居看了七嘴八舌的對阿嬤說道:「你這個孫女,我看以後只能到馬戲團表演……。」美廉到了一年級的時 候,還不會拿湯匙,她總是把飯菜吃得滿地都是。媽媽必須要蹲在地上,把米飯一粒粒的撿起來。上學的時候,第一件要克服的事是學寫字,可是美廉不會握筆,每 天放學都要媽媽握住她的手,一筆一劃的教她寫。
一直到升上二年級,美廉才學會握筆。二年級是美廉人生重要的轉捩點,有一次教授美術的馬治江老師發現她畫得很好。鼓勵她:「美廉,你畫得很好,很有美術的天份,要好好學習畫畫,將可以做一個很棒的畫家。」經過多年的努力, 一九九三年,她順利取得加州大學藝術博士學位,又榮獲教育部的十大傑出青年獎章,更在台 灣成為家喻戶曉的畫家。
如果我能唱 詞:黃美廉曲:王麗玲
Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be stronger.
如果我能完整唱一首歌, 那將是對你的感恩和贊美; 苦難中,你給我安慰, 彷徨時,你給我智慧。 雖然我不能開口唱一首歌, 我卻要對你獻上真誠敬拜; 每時刻你的手牽引我, 你慈愛使我開怀。 天上的云雀啊! 會唱的人們哪! 你們可愿代我, 歌頌上帝無比之美? 我愿用耳傾听, 我愿用心共鳴, 這發自內心深處最美的聲音- 我真愛你!

畫家黃美廉博士,由於接生時醫師的疏忽,造成運動神經的受傷,以致於她一出生就罹患了腦性 痲痺,一直到五歲還全身軟綿綿的,媽媽在抱著她四處尋醫未果,數度恨不得把她掐死,然後自殺---,儘管美廉心智完全正常,但因顏面肌肉扭曲、四肢運動不 協調、連開口說話都有困難,導致人們對她的第一個印象,不是神經病,就是白痴。
猶清晰記得,六、七歲時,美廉在自家門口爬來爬去,鄰居看了七嘴八舌的對阿嬤說道:「你這個孫女,我看以後只能到馬戲團表演……。」美廉到了一年級的時 候,還不會拿湯匙,她總是把飯菜吃得滿地都是。媽媽必須要蹲在地上,把米飯一粒粒的撿起來。上學的時候,第一件要克服的事是學寫字,可是美廉不會握筆,每 天放學都要媽媽握住她的手,一筆一劃的教她寫。
一直到升上二年級,美廉才學會握筆。二年級是美廉人生重要的轉捩點,有一次教授美術的馬治江老師發現她畫得很好。鼓勵她:「美廉,你畫得很好,很有美術的天份,要好好學習畫畫,將可以做一個很棒的畫家。」經過多年的努力, 一九九三年,她順利取得加州大學藝術博士學位,又榮獲教育部的十大傑出青年獎章,更在台 灣成為家喻戶曉的畫家。
如果我能唱 詞:黃美廉曲:王麗玲
2010年1月23日 星期六
請問時間 - 天韻

忽然有個感動, 想和大家分享一首詩歌.. 請問時間
大清早,就把熊貓叔叔給吵醒,因我忘了怎制 MOVIE..
5 mins done the movie player.. it is simple, yet meaningful..
現在,得趕著带父親去做 Medical check up...
希望大家有感觸的話, 不妨聽聽.. 請問時間
作詞:葉薇心 作曲:杜夢豫 編曲:陳揚
我拼呀拼呀拼呀, 我們倆有時輸贏不分。
2010年1月19日 星期二
當商人趕到那家醫院時,他一眼就看到,清冷的醫院走廊裡, 靠牆蹲著一個凍得瑟瑟發抖的瘦弱女孩,在她懷中緊緊抱著的正是妻子丟的那個皮包。這個叫希亞達的女孩,
是來這家醫院陪病重的媽媽治病的。 相依為命的娘兒倆家裡很窮,賣了所有能賣的東西,湊來的錢還是僅夠一個晚上的醫療費。沒有錢明天就得被趕出醫院。
晚上,無能為力的希亞達在醫院走廊裡徘徊,她天真地想求上帝保佑,能碰上一個好心的人救救她的媽媽。 突然,一個從樓上下來的婦人經過走廊時, 腋下的一個皮包掉在地上,可能是她腋下還有別的東西,皮包掉了竟毫無知覺。當時走廊裡只有希亞達一個人。 她走過去撿起皮包,急忙追出門外,但 那位 女士卻上了一輛轎車揚長而去。
雖然商人盡了最大的努力,希亞達的媽媽還是拋下了孤苦伶仃的女兒。後來商人就領養這個失怙的女孩。 她們母女不僅幫商人挽回了10萬美元的損失,更主要的是那份失而復得的市場信息,使商人的生意如日中天,不久就成了大富翁。被商人領養的希亞達,讀完大學就協助富翁料理商務。雖然富翁一直沒委任她任何實際職務,但在長期的歷練中, 富翁的智慧和經驗潛移默化地影響了她,使她成了一個成熟的商業人才。到富翁晚年時,他的很多想法都要徵求希亞達的意見。
富翁臨危之際,留下這樣的一份遺囑:「在我認識希亞達母女之前我就已經很有錢了。可當我站在貧病交加卻拾巨款而不昧的母女面前,我發現她們最富有, 因為她們恪守著至高無上的人生準則, 這正是我作為商人最缺少的。我的錢幾乎都是爾虞我詐、明爭暗鬥得來的,是她們使我領悟到人生最大的資本是品行。 我收養希亞達既不為知恩圖報,也不是出於同情,而是請了一個做人的楷模。有她在我的身邊,生意場上我會時刻銘記,哪些該做,哪些不該做,什麼錢該賺, 什麼錢不該賺。這就是我後來的業績興旺發達的根本原因,我成了億萬富翁。 我死後,我的億萬資產全部留給希亞達繼承。這不是饋贈,而是為了我的事業能更加輝煌昌盛。我深信,我聰明的兒子能夠理解爸爸的良苦用心。」
有些朋友雖然不常聯絡..卻常常寄一些E-mail 給你,一些笑話,溫馨小品,或是小遊戲給你, 這就表示他一直在關心著你的一種表達方式,他將你放在心裡...一種特殊的存在情感。 因此,要時時心存好意!腳走好路!身行好事,惜緣種福..
當商人趕到那家醫院時,他一眼就看到,清冷的醫院走廊裡, 靠牆蹲著一個凍得瑟瑟發抖的瘦弱女孩,在她懷中緊緊抱著的正是妻子丟的那個皮包。這個叫希亞達的女孩,
是來這家醫院陪病重的媽媽治病的。 相依為命的娘兒倆家裡很窮,賣了所有能賣的東西,湊來的錢還是僅夠一個晚上的醫療費。沒有錢明天就得被趕出醫院。
晚上,無能為力的希亞達在醫院走廊裡徘徊,她天真地想求上帝保佑,能碰上一個好心的人救救她的媽媽。 突然,一個從樓上下來的婦人經過走廊時, 腋下的一個皮包掉在地上,可能是她腋下還有別的東西,皮包掉了竟毫無知覺。當時走廊裡只有希亞達一個人。 她走過去撿起皮包,急忙追出門外,但 那位 女士卻上了一輛轎車揚長而去。
雖然商人盡了最大的努力,希亞達的媽媽還是拋下了孤苦伶仃的女兒。後來商人就領養這個失怙的女孩。 她們母女不僅幫商人挽回了10萬美元的損失,更主要的是那份失而復得的市場信息,使商人的生意如日中天,不久就成了大富翁。被商人領養的希亞達,讀完大學就協助富翁料理商務。雖然富翁一直沒委任她任何實際職務,但在長期的歷練中, 富翁的智慧和經驗潛移默化地影響了她,使她成了一個成熟的商業人才。到富翁晚年時,他的很多想法都要徵求希亞達的意見。
富翁臨危之際,留下這樣的一份遺囑:「在我認識希亞達母女之前我就已經很有錢了。可當我站在貧病交加卻拾巨款而不昧的母女面前,我發現她們最富有, 因為她們恪守著至高無上的人生準則, 這正是我作為商人最缺少的。我的錢幾乎都是爾虞我詐、明爭暗鬥得來的,是她們使我領悟到人生最大的資本是品行。 我收養希亞達既不為知恩圖報,也不是出於同情,而是請了一個做人的楷模。有她在我的身邊,生意場上我會時刻銘記,哪些該做,哪些不該做,什麼錢該賺, 什麼錢不該賺。這就是我後來的業績興旺發達的根本原因,我成了億萬富翁。 我死後,我的億萬資產全部留給希亞達繼承。這不是饋贈,而是為了我的事業能更加輝煌昌盛。我深信,我聰明的兒子能夠理解爸爸的良苦用心。」
有些朋友雖然不常聯絡..卻常常寄一些E-mail 給你,一些笑話,溫馨小品,或是小遊戲給你, 這就表示他一直在關心著你的一種表達方式,他將你放在心裡...一種特殊的存在情感。 因此,要時時心存好意!腳走好路!身行好事,惜緣種福..
2010年1月16日 星期六
文章 (Atom)